Thursday, January 17, 2008

hardwork hardwork hardwork

What is it with this direct selling thing? Its freaking annoying when some random guy comes up to you and offer you to be a part of the damn team and sell their products. First you have to create your own account, then invite even more people and you get money based on how many dumb people that are under you. One word, WoW.

i) Create account
ii) Buy products
iii) Try to sell it
iv) Invite friends
v) If fail, invite more friends
vi) If fail again, invite stupid people
vii) Again, if fail, byebye.

I have a friend whos recently just got involved with this thing and as usual , he
kept inviting me to join the business. Currently, he's a student and he said that i can make a million cash in no time. Just like that. Pooh?

s a student, i think that we should really enjoy our student life. We dont have to get dirty and work. No! Not now at least. That friend of mine has been missing classes. I approached him and he said he has been attending meetings for the company and whatever. Well, isnt he destroying his studies? His priority?
I agree that there are some people out there who dont have an easy life. They have to work more to get extra pay. But this direct selling company says that we dont have to actually work to get money. Sit down, relax and they'll feed our bank account weekly,monthly or whenever we want. I find that statement is really ridiculous. I strongly believe that $ doenst just come rolling to you or drop from the sky or grow on trees. In life, we should work to achieve what we want. Like they say, we get what we worked for. But to think of the reality, sometimes there are people out there who work really hard every day and night but dont get their reward. Its sad for them because they didnt choose to be in that kind of situation. I myself have never been in that position so i dont really know. mmMmmMaybe this is one of the factors why people join this so called job opportunity. But seriously saying, students should not join this. You might lose friends or even lose our way because of this. I suggest that students should study and as for money, ask from parents. If what you get is not enough, do part time jobs or come up with something more realistic. After all, there are many people claim that theyve been cheated and left bankrupt.

I hope my friend will realize what he's doing and come back to the right path.

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